What you need to do next…

I want you to be brave..

Not foolhardy.

I want you to be prepared…

Not scared.

I want you to grow…

But it doesn’t have to be bigger…

There’s so much out there at the moment that is concerning people, and rightly so. But if you run a business, if you are a leader, one of the most dangerous things you can do is to worry wallow about everything that is going on.

By all means be alert, by all means be informed, by all means have all sensors switched on…

But please don’t doom prophesise.

Because what you think about affects your energy and your energy affects your output.

We have to step up, we have to lead, we have to see a light – so here’s what I want you to do.

I want you to set a clear course for where you want to go, because business is a journey and a destination helps you navigate better.

I want you to be prepared for things to change and move as you go, as any journey always throws up unexpected things along the way.

I want you to stay calm, and be measured, I want you to concentrate on your long term aim and then…

I only want you to worry about things that you can control, things that you can actually have an impact on.

The rest of it can happen and we will adapt and change, but we greatly increase our chances of success by concentrating on the things we can affect.

By now, you’re probably wondering what this photo has to do with the caption.

Well, you see, you’ve probably made all sorts of assumptions about what’s up the stairs, what’s behind the doors and round the corner…

But the truth is, assumptions are exactly that, assumptions, not fact

And the only way you’ll truly find out what’s ahead of you, is by stepping forward.

And the only thing you’re truly in control of is the decision to take that step or not…so that’s all you should worry about.

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